ArtWalk 7 has been completed, leaving its unique mark of modern art on Patras and on the whole country!
The 7th International Street Art Festival of Patras – ArtWalk 7 was completed with remarkable success this, year as well. The team of Art in Progress managed to offer color and optimism to a weary public area, both conceptually and esthetically.
Our everyday lives are changing rapidly. Artistic expression and public areas are being afflicted more than ever in modern times, but not in Patras. Here, against the difficult circumstances, modern art carried out its task in the best way possible. The artists and their works transported us to new, creative worlds, sending messages of historic memorial, extroverted solidarity and the hope of being able to keep our heads held high.
ArtWalk, in an unprecedented way for Greece, mobilized and actively mobilizes citizens, creating a feeling of optimism and euphoria for the future image of the city around the world. For the 1st time the International Festival of Patras lasted from May to October 2022! During the 6 months of this year, it turned the daily life of our city upside down and familiarized its citizens with the artistic world of Street Art and multi-storey murals in their own neighbourhood!
It engaged the local, national and international press with more than 400 articles, while the social media response to Art in Progress and ArtWalk exceeded 3.000.000 visits, and the videos of the event have exceeded 40.000.000 views worldwide. Thus, Art in Progress essentially proved that contemporary visual art interventions in the public urban fabric of the city, even in difficult circumstances, can establish Patras internationally as a pole of attraction for cultural tourism through innovation, creativity and extroversion.
Art in Progress and its community of citizens succeeded in hosting, for the 7th year on a row some of the finest, world renowned street artists from Greece and from all over the world. Τhe countries represented this year at the International Festival are: Greece (3 artists), Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Spain and United Kingdom! In total 5 continents were represented out of a total of 7, with the only exception this year being South America as the 7th continent is Antarctica!
The street artists who left their mark on this year’s festival, by creating 10 unparalleled murals on selected walls in the urban fabric of Patras were: KLE , Jarus, John Valyrakis, D*Face, Mon Devane, Elléna Lourens, Emic, Leonidas Giannakopoulos, CHEKOS and Dalal Mitwally.
The works completed by the artists:

“Solidarity” by KLE, Zakinthou 36, Patras 2022

Untitled by Jarus, Spiridonos Vasiliadou 31, Patras 2022

“Alice, justice is blind” by John Valyrakis, Mesologgiou 107, Patras 2022

“Another Bad Hair Day” by D*Face, Korinthou 50, Patras 2022

“A New Dionysus” by Mon Devane, Skagiopouliou 32, Patras 2022

“ΜΕ ΑΓΑΠΗ // WITH LOVE” by Elléna Lourens, Charilaou Trikoupi 1, Patras 2022

“Penelope” by Emic, Dervenakion 37, Patras 2022

“Jacob’s ladder” by Leonidas Giannakopoulos, Evdimou 4, Patras 2022

“Ermes” by CHEKOS, Dimitriou Gounari 229, Patras 2022

“Find Home” by Dalal Mitwally, Agiou Ioanni Pratsika 181, Patras 2022
ArtWalk 7 performed under the co-organization of Region of Western Greece,
the warm help of Gold Sponors:CHRYSANTHOPOULOS Α.Ε. (Company of lifting equipment in Patras) and VECHRO (Greek paint industry)
and of the Big Sponsor Coffeebrands and Olympia Odos
More information about the organization and its actions can be found:
at Facebook (Art In Progress) (ArtWalk) or
at Instagram (artinprogress.patras) (artwalk_festival).